I became a youngest? OpenJDK committer

This blog is an English version of 最年少(?)OpenJDKコミッタになりました! - きつねとJava!.

Recently, I became an OpenJDK(Project Kulla) Committer.*1
In Project Kulla*2, I'm working around the code completion feature.
I'll continue working to introduce to JDK 9.

I think I'm a youngest committer in OpenJDK, though there are no minute statistics about committers.
I couldn't find university students or high school students on OpenJDK ML*3.

I've been helped by many Japanese developers and OpenJDK developers. Thanks a lot.
Especially, @yasuenag*4 gave me a very big advice to become OpenJDK. Thank you so much.

Finally, this is not a goal.


*2:Project Kulla is the project which introduces a REPL(Read-Eval-Print Loop) tool to OpenJDK

*3:Finding the person who is not the Oracle employee on OpenJDK ML is rare, basically ;)

*4:He is another OpenJDK Committer from Japan